Medical Card Holders

If you hold a full medical card , you are entitled to a full eye exam at no cost to you . If you require spectacles , certain styles including lenses are available at no cost to you .
This service can be availed of once every 2 years . You are required to seek approval from the HSE prior to the eye examination .
The application form is available in store and we will gladly assist you and advise you on completing the form .

In exceptional circumstances , where there is deemed to be a medical need , a person can seek authorisation more frequently . We will provide all possible assistance where this is necessary .


If you are employed and paying the most common PPS contributions , you are entitled to an eye examination at no cost . Spouses of those who are entitled are also covered under the scheme . If you would like to check elegibility , just contact us with your PPS number and we will seek approval . A response is normally given within 24 hours

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